
The qustop package can be installed from PyPi via

pip install qustop

To build from source, you may also run the following command from the top-level package directory.

python install

To test installation, run

>>> import qustop
>>> qustop.about()

qustop: Quantum Optimizer: A Python toolkit for computing optimal values of various convex
optimization problems in quantum information.
Authored by: Vincent Russo, 2021

Core Dependencies
CVXPY Version:  1.1.13
NumPy Version:  1.21.0
SciPy Version:  1.6.3
Optional Dependencies
Python Version: 3.9.2
Platform Info:  Darwin (x86_64)

This prints out version information about core requirements and optional conic optimization software packages that qustop can interface with.


The pytest module is used for testing. In order to run and pytest, you will need to ensure it is installed on your machine. Consult the pytest website for more information. To run the suite of tests for qustop, run the following command in the root directory of this project:

pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=qustop tests/


All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements, and ideas are welcome.

A detailed overview on how to contribute can be found in the contributing guide.


You can cite qustop using the following DOI: XXX.

If you are using the qustop software package in research work, please include an explicit mention of qustop in your publication. Something along the lines of:

To solve problem “X” we used qustop; a package for studying quantum state optimization scenarios.

A BibTeX entry that you can use to cite qustop is provided here:

   author       = {Vincent Russo},
   title        = {qustop: A {P}ython package for investigating quantum state optimization, version 0.1},
   howpublished = {\url{}},
   month        = May,
   year         = 2021,
   doi          = {XXX}